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Writer: Big AlBig Al

With the CFL 2021 season most likely being ago and with the usual start time for a regular-season coming up around the corner, fans everywhere are now in “I can’t wait mode!” With that being said and with the Vegas odds of each team’s chances to win the Grey Cup for the 2021 season have been released. It all points to one thing! Fantasy… As it is very rare to find a standard “draft” style CFL fantasy league anymore, TSN has put up an amazing official daily fantasy game. With 40 thousand dollars “pretend” money to spend each fantasy player can “purchase” CFL players and defensive units which are “valued” at certain prices. The player or defensive unit which are more likely to give you a lot of fantasy points often come with a high/expensive price, which is the opposite for players or defensive units who don’t produce as many fantasy points. On top of that, offensive players get points for gaining yards on the field yet lose points for losing yards, they also get points for every on-field point such as a touchdown for example is scored and ETC, defensive units get points for every sack made or interception made yet lose points for every time scored on. With that being said the points you may earn vary by the position of a player or a defensive unit as a whole as well. To elaborate quarterbacks, earn points for throwing yards. With all that being summed up, its thus now obvious that player such as Trevor Harris or Bo Levi Mitchell could be valued at 10 plus thousand dollars, yet a defensive unit such as a 2019 Ottawa RedBlacks or Toronto Argonauts when playing a team such as a 2019 Calgary Stampeders might only be valued at 2500 dollars. Thus 40 thousand dollars in fake salary and having to fill 7 positions can be tricky. As you probably can tell after all this reading, week by week a lot of strategy goes into building a team. Sometimes we fantasy fans can overthink ourselves or CFL fantasy “noobs” may find things over complicated. This is why friendly fantasy advice is much appreciated! Therefore, months before the regular season starts, I (Big AL) will be ranking the top 10 picks for each position to fill for the TSN official fantasy game, going into the CFL season here on this (Touchdown Talks Canada) blog. After it's all said and done, I will then do fantasy advice overall going into the season on this blog. Of course, on the official Touchdown Talks Canada podcast which can be found on Spotify, Big AL will be dedicating an entire segment to weekly fantasy advice! The icing on the cake is however for you draft style CFL fantasy fans, I (Big AL) will do a fantasy advice blog AND podcast WEEKS before the CFL 2021 season starts! Until then without further a due… everyone… to start off this blog/podcast series I ( Big AL) will begin by ranking the entire season's top 10 picks for a position that leads an offense and is often seen as the captain of the team, the quarterbacks! Enjoy and we at TTC hope you all learn a lot…

10. Zach Collaros

Wait didn’t Zach just win a Grey Cup? In fact, no argument here, Zach sure did! BUT!!! Didn’t you notice he didn’t even throw any touchdowns that game!? He wasn’t exactly racking up the points and positives in the Grey Cup. On an average day, Zach isn’t exactly a flashy QB nor putting up HUGE amounts of positive stats either. For good reason Zach is ranked at the bottom, no fantasy price is worth this man! Simply put… Zach is a starter and is good enough to be a starter but not good enough to be ranked high on many types of lists let alone a flashy fantasy type list! Number 10 suits Zach Collaros well!

9. Matt Nichols

Just a step above Zach IN TERMS OF FANTASY… PHEW! Close one.

We have Matt Nichols. Now leading the RedBlacks, Matt Nichols might carry the lumberjack team to a playoff race and succeed, his numbers however sometimes come off as impressive but sometimes in fantasy is just too risky. Plus, Nichols has no chemistry with his new receiving core and on top of that, his best days don’t exactly impress those fantasy GODS! This is why ranked at a high-value or low-value Matt Nichols should be your LAST choice!

8. Dane Evans/Nick Arbuckle

OUR FIRST TIE!!! With Jeremiah Masoli back TOO, many questions surround Dane Evans's fate and too many questions mean too much risk for us fantasy lovers! As for Nick Arbuckle, we know what he is capable of on the field and fantasy-wise but on a new team with an unfamiliar crowd and it being his first season as a starter there is too much unknown about Arbuckle. So for these reasons Dane Evans who is worthy of being on this list but shouldn’t be considered a “high rank” we tied him up with Nick Arbuckle who may be a better option than Nichols and Collaros COMBINED… at least for fantasy purposes, Arbuckle should still not cross your mind prese when trying to figure out whom should you fill in the quarterback spot for your fantasy line up!

7. Vernon Adams Jr

Sometimes it comes down to weapons and YES Vernon being an excellent QB with lots of amazing options to throw too will definitely help Montreal succeed in 2021 but for fantasy terms, Vernon Adams Jr doesn’t have the flashy fantasy players to help Adams Jr in the fantasy ranks. This is why Adams Jr should definitely be an option however maybe not your go-to guy for fantasy quarterbacks!

6. Antonio Pipkin/Michael O’ Connor

These two QBs maybe back up quarterbacks but this is CFL anything can happen and sometimes does happen. Not to mention injuries. These guys have ranked ahead of some key QBS, for the reasons that fantasy is a gamble and the unknown can make or break your team. Pipkin is DUE for a comeback year and Michael O’Connor will contend in due time. If Bo Levi Mitchel goes down O’ Connor might play, and defenses won’t see what is coming at them! These two are probably the best backups in terms of fantasy to have…

5. Bo Levi Mitchell

Bo Levi Mitchell is an excellent QB NO DOUBT BOUT IT! HIS FANTASY GAME IS ALSO PROBABLY TOP 3… So why put the big bad BO show here!? Easy… For that fantasy price..., YIKES! Why not get a fantasy legend maybe even produce more fantasy points or at least the same amount as Bo Levi Mitchell for a much cheaper price!? This way you can save your fantasy spending’s for other key fantasy players! Thus, in terms of fantasy, the price is what ruins it for Bo! OUCH!

4. Cody Fajardo

Cody tears up this field like no other QB in this league after his rookie starting season. No doubt in my mind will Cody come in and do the same this season! His price? Not bad! This is why Cody is a solid option until you see what other quarterbacks can do for your fantasy team!

3. Jeremiah Masoli

Masoli has tied many records in the CFL including the most consecutive 300 plus yards in passing games. Stats like such don’t just get you success in the football world they also help other fantasy teams grow points! However, Masoli is usually ranked high in fantasy and TSN picks up on it so why rank him higher than Bo? Easy… ANY PRICE is right for Masoli. So why only the top 3? Injury. Much like real-world GMS and Coaches we fantasy players don’t see too much potential in a guy with an ACL tear. Can Masoli that hasn’t played since 2019 due to the cancellation of the 2020 season as a result of a pandemic recover from a 2019 ACL injury!? This hurts Masoli on the fantasy ranks as well as a real-world pro football QB…

2. Mike Reilly

Simple the dude can’t stop producing numbers! Even with a crap O-Line, Reilly succeeded to get the ball out and rank up those fantasy points for our fantasy teams. Definitely deserving to be HIGH on this list!

Trevor Harris At one point Harris was on track to make over 800 thousand yards in passing in a season back in 2019. That’s a whole lot of fantasy points. Plus Harris is talented on the field and we Fantasy GMs LOVE to see this guy play. For obvious reasons, Harris HAS to be number 1 on this list.

So there you all have it. Thanks to Big AL Touchdown Talks Canada has released its first-ever blog entry on friendly fantasy advice. This has been the ranking of quarterback edition! We at TTC sincerely hope you all enjoyed it! Much thanks for reading, have a great day, and bye for now.



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