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ALOT WRONG!! 🔥😥❤🏈🇨🇦🇨🇦🏈🙁😔😡😡😡😤🤬🤬💔💔💔 *Warning Graphic Content!!*

Writer: Big AlBig Al

😱😱😱I don’t know where to begin. 🇨🇦🏈The Canadian Football League will die IF Randy Amborsie and a bunch of old farts💨💨💨 continue to ruin OUR game and OUR league if we let them. I want to start a new movement. Im a little FUCKING PISSED OFF 🤬🤬🤬with upper CFL management, owenership, and the commissioner. We have an exciting, 🤩🤩🤩entertaining , and fun professional level of football here in Canada. We have a pro football league with tons of potential to be a new way to appeal young and old sports fans across a nation with over 38 million people in it, into and across another powerhouse economic nation with 320 million 🤑🤑🤑💰💰💰 people in it whom are die hard football fans (referring to USA) and of course eventually across the whole damn world! We could have OUR league thrive! Instead of scrape by. ‼So what is the issue? ‼Old people 👴👵🧓👴👴👴👴 whom run this league and its marketing strategy with a bland plain way of marketing CANT relate to young people 👶🧒👧🌱👦👦👦😎😎😎😎…and are so old they poop 💩when there back cracks to loud from getting up in the mornings and probably are too prideful to admit they don’t appeal to young people because they suck at there job so they cry to a fake liberal federal government runned by mr dumbass himself who gives 0 fucks about anything that doesn’t make him rich, powerful, elite, his cock itself rock hard, 🍆 who grew up with a rich daddy and charming good looks no different then former USA president right winged dorknob Bush Jr. Truduea is a young, 🔥🔥🔥 sexy, racist, 🤬nitwit, who only pretends to care about your feelings so it makes him look good, kinda like an angry old white man owning a football franchise and multiple billion dollar businesses. This man is also to stuck in his old conservative ways that makes him a ridicules amount of money that he doesn’t know what to do with other than hoard it and refuses to believe that the only reason for his success in a rigged capitalistic society is that he was privileged since birth in first place. So after centuries of a marginalized group of people fight tooth and nail just to be heard because when the people originally residing in fairytale western Europe decide they no longer like the idea of raping there own people they decide to try to see what else is out there. Once they saw that there was tons of land left over for the rest of human civilization to live there lives and noticed there was plenty of people living there, doing things there way that white people didn’t understand and white people at the time didn’t bother to learn about. 🚨🚨🚨🟥🏳🚨Those white people who failed to find the very land they were setting sea for, went back and told everyone in fairytale Europe there is tons of people to rape. That’s when they came to this land stole it from people that originally lived here, spread unfamiliar disease, planned to slaughter and everyone failed yet still slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people and a built a country on that land filling the people to live in that country with hate and fueled on manipulation. The Indigenous folks try and fight just to speak and they ether get buried, blamed, or fucked. ‼‼‼🤬🤬🤬 Eventually you can add ignored to that list. Hundreds of years later, some ignorant fuck names a football franchise after First Nation Peoples, but thinking all Natives are dead he attaches a racist slur to it appropriates, a culture he knew nothing about and slaps a racist logo to it and BOOM the Washington Redskins football 🏈🏈🏈🤑🤑🤑franchise is born. This somehow pleases closed minded white people and they defend the name by attaching the magical word “history” to it. Another hundred years go by and some DICK who owns the team refuses to believe anything is racist. But suddenly out of no where after all the fighting Indigenous people just to be heard finally kinda sorta gets listened too. A white American middle class lady with her asshole to tight to let out gas got bored so she did the unthinkable and read a book. So she decided to suddenly be the first person to “care and listen.” So by doing the opposite of what Indigenous peoples were trying to ask you to do she somehow made the whole thing about her and told people why she thought the name is bad. But then because white people tend really only care about themselves and what other white people think other white people agreed. So rich dickhead who owned the team laughed it off. Naturally nearly a quarter century goes by and dickhead who never gave a fuck about people in general looked at potentially losing billions of dollars because FINALLY the majority of people agreed the name and logo is fucked up. But this fuckface doesn’t care about what you think at all. He cares about what makes him more rich, powerful, elite and making his cock itself rock hard. Kinda like the other nitwit I mentioned earlier, someone who pretends to care so he can make more money and gain more control aka Truduea. So when Mr apple sounding name Ambrosia or whatever it is aka the commissioner of the professional 3 down football rules league and other CFL upper management go cry to the fake liberal government about a league that is failing because you do nothing for the league and beg for money to be handed out to you, Truduea as mentioned earlier, being a sexy, young, charming, rich, man, whom grew up being rich kid, sees the CFL pan handling for money with this old man crying about it, he thinks one thing “PATHETIC!” That is why the Canadian Football League didn’t get bailed out once again!!! But why do we need to get bailed out? The answer is simple… because dinosaurs 🦖🦖🦖 run our league that’s why... So you need to reach out to young people and build off there ideas… so lets do the opposite of literarily EVERY FUCKING HUMAN BEING WHO BREATHES AIR AND WATCHES FOOTBALL AGREES NEEDS TO HAPPEN which is to appeal to younger audience whom the Commissioner himself RANDY AMBROSIE has came out publicly and told everyone he himself thinks is what is BEST for the league! APPEAL TO YOUNGER AUDUIENCE. His strategy for this is to ignore every single young person who is old enough to legally, drive, drive a air plane, drink, smoke, start a company, work, go to university and or college, apply for welfare, live on there own and pay bills and by themselves under there own name, serve in the military, go to prison, 😤have sex, VOTE, apply for a credit card and or a loan. Maybe not exactly in that order and may not do all those things, but BY LAW are old enough to be mature enough to handle the concepts of those things and ideas. Yet still be young enough to be considered legally to be YOUTH. Between the ages of 18 and 29. Old enough to purchase tickets to a game to GATE DRIVEN league, or subscribe to network that pays the league MILLIONS💰🤑🤑🤑🤑💰 to air the games when they cant attend and yet still YOUNG enough where going to the game and enjoy it with there buddies 👬👭👫or baddies 👭👭👭 which incudes drinking cheap beer 🍺🍺🍻🍺and eating fatty foods, screaming as they cheer on there OMG fav teams cuz mans gets a SICK touchdown, taking in all the loud music, celebrating the LIT moments during the game, so that after wards they be talking about everything with all there BFFs or there BOIZ at the local bar downtown getting shitfaced so they talk a little too loud so when buddy tryna get laid across from them ovearhears it all turns and sees them all covered in DRIP which reps there fav teams gear he might go to the next Argos game, then these people whom are getting trashed and just finished being at the game go back to do blow all nite then they smoke dope so they can finally crash at some randos apartment at 3 AM, just to wake up at NOON the next day feeling GREAT so they can go drive to the next BIG CITY and go catch the next game without any problems…. Instead your solution is too listen to some old dude who in 1969 old enough to wittness the original WoodStock festival also got to witness a GOAT himself get Grey Cup MVP a Canadian QB Russ Jackson with an Ottawa team that folded a million times since then. The solution to your problem then in your old man stubborn ways of thinking is build a “family” section where some old man who had kid late in life bring his 3 year old daughter to a CFL game, who wont remember going at all no matter how exciting the game its self was, and maybe when this kid grows up will turn on the TV to be exposed to a cool trendy advertisement paid by the National Football League brought forward by a young market strategist who done research on algorithm on trending apps such as Tik Tok, and Snap Chat and Instagram. So that the NFL could directly target this type of kid. This kid has no clue the CFL even exists and for sure doesn’t give a rats ass about the leagues history or importance this country. Now is suddenly discovering there passion for sports and football due to this hip add. They go buy a modern video game for whatever system they have, produced by a huge company. Its an actually cool game. Madden. They get educated on NFL because of the game. Next thing you know there watching NFL games on TV for free and BOOM. Now they learn about fantasy that appeals to them and there young generation which is a lot better then TSN wimpy and daily fantasy game. By the end of the year, they get witness a superbowl contest between what the NFL always markets as “the two best teams in the world for football” , and never hearing about CFL, and a half time instead seeing a snoozefest of an act for entertainment she gets a show with surprise guests that she grew up watching perform, and also you know huge acts Eminem, Dr Dre, Snoop Dogg etc… oh the commercials are funny and not the same 5 on re peat. Then goes to social media and posts about it… which is free advertising for the league. By next year that kid isnt sure to start Brady or Mahomes on the ESPN fantasy app and is fully invested into NFL. They had so much fun last year, watching football she now has friends based around the game itself. Then she takes her money she earned from her part time job still not giving a fuck about the lame league her other guy friends make fun of which she knows nothing about and just how LIT and fun the CFL actually is which she can watch here on her own soil for cheaper value not knowing how mind blowing wild crazy and fun the game can be and instead plans a trip with friends to cross the border and watch 4 down hard hitting slowed down football but not aware that it is a slower version of football and overall loosing entertainment value. They have fun at the game it was worth the trip and they all couldn’t care less about OUR great game. She makes memories and starts a family one day birthing sons who grow up watching, following, talking, NFL, playing madden and eventually playing 4 down football. Solid investment CFL! You lost money and wasted time on this family idea, and in return your competitor the big bad NFL gains more fans and customers and supporters in other nations outside there own and they literally did nothing to earn it. Smart! Every suggestion a young fan that the CFL claims “they care about” comes up with gets turned down by the league or just flat out ignored. But when a 12 year old whom is NOT AT ALL mature enough to understand any legit business, whom is simply UN educated, and yet runs his own Twitter account somehow magically discovers our game by watching one poor example of a clip from our game online, and is from butt fuck no where in the middle of Texas USA, Tweets out 4 down football is more entertaining compared 3 down and always will be, you Randy and company panic and let a playground bully punk ya! So you pull political beat around the bush bull crap and mention what you are considering, after lying to everyone whom was watching the first game in 2021 of the CFL regular season telling Glen Sutior that 3 down football is here to stay and is what makes the game so great! Which is bullshit because you got bullied by a punk no buddy on Twitter. You want to kill this league and amazing sport and game of ours and switch to 4 downs! You are plain and boring, and gave up as a commissioner! But what do I know right!? Im only a 25 year old die hard fan of CFL and the Toronto Argos and been a crazy passionate fan since I can remember! I now get PAID to analyze CFL. I say FUCK YOU! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🤬🤬🏈🎙🇨🇦😤



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